Our focus is to love people and provide a place for all to be welcomed and accepted--a place to care for each other. In our complex and diverse world, safe place with unconditional love is needed to help restore body, mind and spirit.
Any funds brough tin through donation will be utilized to create and build an environment of such welcome as would be given by those who represent God's love on earth.
Community Ministry
Community Connection Under the Trees. Come trade ideas and resources with others from our community. From jobs to rides to health information to you name it!

Kid's Ministry
We are continually praying for the children of our community and are planning fun and engaging activities and events for them to show them love, acceptance and grace.
Pastoral Support
We have an amazing pastor that is committed to our care from prayers to hospital visits to leading us in worship and bonding us together as a community of grace.

Volunteer Groups
We are invested in the well-being of our community and volunteer to help organizations such as McCullloch County Hunger Coalition and we look for opportunities to support other agencies that meet needs in our community.